finding and organizing... weird


07-05-2008 06:58:31

Tv rename trying to do some strange stuph with my tv eps. I placed all newly downloaded eps in a folder, and attempted to use finding and organizing to move and rename them.
the following happened:

Enough said...i didnt click on that Move/Copy button yet :D

Please let me knwo if you need any other captures/ bug reports.


This is on the B23 version


07-05-2008 11:02:04

Hehe.. Looks like I well and truly broke it when I "improved" the code that finds missing episodes :) .. I think I know what its doing though, and I'll try and get it fixed in the next few days.

In the meantime, you can either not use Find&Organise, or click on the mistaken ones and hit delete (then hit "Move/Copy" to do the ones left in the list), or go back to the previous version of TVRename.


08-05-2008 00:04:35

This should be fixed in the latest version (b24).

Most of those false matches were due to me trying to be clever and match episodes by their overall episode number (if all else failed). This feature is now optional, and off by default.

You also had one false match of "House" matching "Desperate Housewives", which I've also fixed. This is at the expense of being slightly more particular about the naming/spacing of words in the filename of your downloaded eps (though dots, hypens, etc., count as a "space"). e.g. "30.rock" "30-rock" and "30 rock" will all match "30 rock", but "30rock" won't.

Try the latest version, and let me know how it goes.


08-05-2008 20:01:55


Will test as soon as i get a chance.

Can you please try and include underscores in your list of "spaces"? i have/had a few tv eps where i had to remove the underscores in order for tv-rename to pick it up.

was not picked up.


08-05-2008 22:36:07

Yeah, after posting that, I also added underscores. Let me know if it still doesn't notice names with them. Anything not a letter (A-Z,a-z) or a number (0-9) should be a "space".


10-05-2008 19:15:25

Just made a tweak that'll show up in the next version (b25).. Apostrophes, and "the" will be ignored, so that "The Foo's Bar" will match "Foos Bar".


16-05-2008 02:52:55

Just made a tweak that'll show up in the next version (b25).. Apostrophes, and "the" will be ignored, so that "The Foo's Bar" will match "Foos Bar".


While ur at it...can you please add some free girls if you dont mind!! :D


18-05-2008 18:38:55

Apostrophe ignoring version new up (b25).

Free girls will be added once I find some spare ones. :P