Season Thumbs


21-09-2009 05:47:29


I've used TVrename for over a year but I've only just upgraded to the new layout with XBMC options.

I was willing to let it overwrite the thumbs I already had but for Season thumbs its just used the TVDB's show poster, not season poster. So now every season is using the same poster.

I assume its supposed to download the season poster from TVDB?


21-09-2009 18:06:33

Ignore me. I see now its just putting the Series poster in each season folder. It's not touching Season thumbs at all.

Would be great if it could scrape Season thumbs too :)


03-10-2009 15:07:30

Using the 'correct' season banner (poster/thumbnail) for each season folder is already on the bug list. For now, it just uses the show poster everywhere.