Automatic language tagging/naming for subtitles


13-10-2010 04:21:42

People who store multiple language subtitles want to rename all of them properly. Personally I add a language abbreviation to the subtitle file name such as - En. I rename a folder with TV Rename and either change the postfix to - En or manually add the language tag to all the subtitles, and then rename the other language.

To help these people, I think TV Rename can auto tag and rename subtitles properly in such way:
It may open the subtitle text file and look for some prespecified words commonly used in that specific language (for example - the -, - and -, - or -, - he -, - she -, etc. for English, - die -, - der -, - das - for German etc.). If it detects the file is in a specific language with high confidence, it should append the language tag to the name in a user configured way. Users may put all subtitles in mixed languages and run TV Rename on the folder. Every subtitle is correctly renamed and language tagged. If two subtitles belonging to the same language exists, the program will show a rename error like it does now. So the user may correct these little errors.