How do we select whether to use Aired or DVD ordering?


21-07-2009 08:04:49

Occasionally, some TV Shows when distributed on DVD, differ in episode order from the Aired version to the DVD ordering. It appears tvrename defaults to the Aired ordering.

Although it's not extremely common, an example would be Futurama Season 2.

Is it possible to select whether to use the Aired or DVD ordering for individual shows and/or seasons (in the event one season is from TV, the other from DVD)?



21-07-2009 08:22:34

After much hunting, I discovered that I can edit DVD/Aired on a per show basis, but not a per season basis. Is there something else hidden for changing it per season?


24-07-2009 17:53:22

At the moment it is only per-show, rather than per-season.

If you don't have too many shows like this, you could get them organised in "batches", and then turn off the renaming/missing checks for the seasons once they're tidied up. e.g.:
- Set it to DVD ordering
- Run the renaming check
- Delete from the list (select and hit "Del" on your keyboard) the episodes from the TV ordered seasons
- Action the renaming on the remaining episodes
- Set it to TV Ordering, and add to the "Ignore Seasons" list the DVD-ordered seasons (just put the numbers, separated by spaces)
- Do another renaming check
- Action those
- Add the now-organised TV ordered seasons to the ignore list (or turn off missing & renaming checks altogether for a show).
- If it is still a current show, then you could have all but the most recent season ignored.