Rename Shows when only Series and Ep numbers


20-02-2010 19:03:04


I have just started using TV Rename and I had previously renamed many of my TV Shows like:

Bionic Woman
-- Season 1
---- 0101.avi
---- 0102.avi
---- 0103.avi


Is there a way to get TVRename to go through these folders and rename the 0101 to Bionic Woman - 0101 - Ep Title.avi.

I can get it to rename it correctly when the title is in the avi name but not just as 0101 (even though the Show and Season are in the directory structure)



22-02-2010 14:31:14

it should just work - i think it must be having issues with the 0101.avi 0102.avi etc. Whenever i have shows like that i open up BulkRename Utility (google for it), and select all files and do something like "replace 01 with 01x".

Once its in a known format tvrename will pick it up. There are other ways within tvrename too if you know how to use regex you can modify whats there so it finds them.