Command line control (v2.2)


09-04-2010 22:26:58

I've finally added command-line control back into TVRename, starting from v2.2.0b1.

There are a few changes to the commands/options, and how it works in v2.2, compared to before - mostly due to combining the functionality of three tabs into one.

• If TVRename is already running, any command line commands are passed to the already-running program for processing. This means you can leave TVRename running all the time, and have a scheduled task to do things.

• If no command line arguments are given, starting a second copy of TVRename (tries to) bring the already running copy to the foreground.

• The command line options are:
/scan Do a scan to figure out what needs to be done, and do any exports (as configured in preferences)
/doall (implies /scan) Action all items resulting from the scan (downloads, moves, copies, renames, nfos, etc.). Configure what to scan for in the preferences.
/ignoremissing Ignore any missing media/season folders
/createmissing Automatically create any missing media/season folders
/hide If TVRename isn't already running, don't show the main window or any progress dialogs while running
/quit Quit after processing, or (on it's own) tell an already running TVRename to quit

• Without /ignoremissing or /createmissing, TVRename may stop during a scan, showing a dialog asking what to do.


22-06-2011 08:05:37

I had a need to have a scheduled task that moves over files and exports the list of missing episodes. I turned off rename checks because I didn't want a bunch of renaming and have the following batch file that runs every once in a while.

To get this to work, I had to have 2 versions of TVRename installed. I installed the most recent 2.2b9 and use it most of the time. I needed 2.1.1a5 (the latest version with export) installed though so I could do the export. I installed it after the 2.2b9 (not sure if it makes a difference) to the default folder with a "2.1" on the end and made sure not to update my start menu. I'm not sure why, but the older version hangs when launching via the GUI so I made sure that my most recent copy uses a different folder for storage in case the older code has bugs that keep it from working.

I'm running Windows 7 so you'll have to modify the path's accordingly if you are on something else.

Batch file
"C:\Program Files (x86)\TVRename\TVRename.exe" /UserFilePath:C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\TVRename\TVRename\2.2 /hide /ignoremissing /doall /quit

xcopy /Y /E C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\TVRename\TVRename\2.2 C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\TVRename\TVRename\2.1

"C:\Program Files (x86)\TVRename 2.1\TVRename.exe" /hide /missingcheck /exportmissingcsv F:\Downloads\export.csv /quit