File Renaming


05-11-2008 17:12:37

Sorry if this has already been covered. When I go to the renaming tab and click "Check" i get nothing. But if i go to "missing" then "Finding and Organising" it will move and rename the files. Don't know what i'm missing with the rename tab.



05-11-2008 17:15:27

Hi.. Just a quick reply, since I'm at work and should be working :)

"Renaming" operates on files that are already in your "media library".

"Missing" will look in your media library to see what is missing, then "Find and Organise" will look in your download folders to find those missing episodes, and move/rename/copy them as necessary into your media library.

Does that help explain what's going on?


28-11-2008 15:44:21

Got it. Thanks for the help. Is there a way to search for episodes the only have the title. As in they have no season or episode numbers in the fileaname. I tried a few filename processors but couldn't get one to work. I find that single season shows usually don't come with numbers in the filename.



28-11-2008 17:38:50

No.. You need the season and episode numbers in there. The only exception is if the season number is in the folder name, and you make a filename processor rule that uses the full path, and pulls out the season from the folder, and episode number from the filename. Almost all the logic in TVRename is based on those numbers, rather than the titles, so they're fairly important ;)

To get TVRename to manage them, you'll have to rename them to add the season number. Either do it manually, or use a file renaming tool. The 2nd and 3rd posts in this thread suggest a couple.