No show name in "When to Watch" RSS XML export


22-08-2011 07:12:04

thanks for this nice tool.

Recently I tested the "When to Watch" RSS XML export. Creating the file works fine, but the show name is missing
1d 4h Di 03:00 Season3\07 Past Imperfect
Here is "Warehouse 13" missing

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="us-ascii"?>
<title>Upcoming Shows</title>
<description>Upcoming shows, exported by TVRename</description>
<title>1d 4h Di 03:00 Season3\07 Past Imperfect</title>
<description>Season3\07 Past Imperfect&lt;br/&gt;Myka hunts for Leo, the man who murdered her old partner, and the Warehouse agents think there's a link between the killer and the Secret Service.</description>
<pubDate>Tue, 23 Aug 2011 03:00:00 GMT</pubDate>

I can't find any options for configuration, and it doesn't matter if I have a show with or without a custom show name.

Using 2.2.0b9 on Win7 Home 32bit

Can anybody get me my show names?
