RSS is Awsome


01-05-2009 23:45:10

I know it is experimental, but I am already addicted to the RSS feature and can’t resist making some suggestions.

1. Ability to specify an alternate download location. My collection is across a wireless bridge and having my torrent client save there is problematic.
2. An automatic search of TVRSS, MININOVA, via search RSS feeds for missing episodes
3. Command line options to automate the downloading
4. Ability to specify file type (HD or SD etc.) This one is a tall order, but would be useful.



06-05-2009 22:49:56

1) Good idea.. I hadn't thought of that.
2) Yep, already planned. Along with being able to define multiple RSS sources to monitor.
3) Yep.
4) Yep. As well as things to never download, e.g. "720p". So, you can specify things that must, and must not, be there.