Operational Process


22-08-2009 17:44:02

Not really a feature request, more a question/suggestion.
Now that you have the one Scan button on the "One Tab To Rule Them All"(tm) it seems like the processing has not changes all that much, it has just been sequenced - Missing scan, followed by Found scan and at some stage the rename scan. It seems like you are still scanning the files multiple times.

Would it not be quicker to scan all the files in the known folders once per session into a temporary database (I guess you could use an array?) then process everything against that? Any updates you make could be written to the local database during the "Do checked" process.

I am going by my experiences with earlier versions of the app as well as observing Hard Drive activity during the Scan process.


11-09-2009 18:59:39

You're right. At the moment, it just runs each step in order, and could definitely be improved by processing each folder once. For folder it visits it does any necessary missing/renaming/thumbnail checks as it goes. At the moment, the only thing cached is the contents of the "downloads" folders that are searched for missing episodes.

This may not be too hard to do, so I'll look into doing it soon.