Missing Season & New Detection Method


24-06-2008 00:47:31

First off I just started using this program and I have to say it has saved me a lot of time renaming my 2000+ files. Yes I did send you some drinks via paypal because you made a great product. I do however have two suggestions I have found as follows:

1. Have the program tell you if you are missing a season in the show.

for example if you have Seasons 1, 2, 3 of some TV Show and now Season 4 is out and showing could the missing tab tell you that you need to start aquiring Season 4? I understand that you have the when to watch tab, but some shows I do not watch and I just aquire the next season when it is all over so I can watch it straight through. Let me know what you think...

2. I have run into one detection method problem that I needed to go in and manually edit my files. so a new detection method with the following example would be helpful

the show is in form Show Name/Season #/Episode# - Name.avi (i.e. /The X-Files/Season 1/01 - Pilot.avi )
The program does not detect this because it only has an episode # in the name of the file, but the season # is in the season folder name. I needed to go through by hand and change the name from 01-pilot.avi to 101-pilot.avi. I think you could program this in though, because I am sure I am not the only one that has seen this. Let me know what you think....

Again thanks for a great program. If any of these features already exist please enlighten me about my user error :)



24-06-2008 20:01:03

Thanks for the drinks.. Much appreciated! :)

For suggestion #1 I'm going to re-do the way that you enter your shows and folders, as a result of a earlier requests I've had. I could then make it do as you suggest, and automatically keep up with all and new seasons as they air - or only look for specific seasons.

For #2, that will be easy to add. In the longer term, I will make it so users can enter custom patterns for detecting the season and episode number from a path and filename.


24-06-2008 21:06:34

At the danger of setting a precedent of implementing feature requests within 24 hours of them being asked for...

I've added the new show detection style in the latest beta (download here). It hasn't had any nasty side effects on my small collection of shows, but those of you with more shows can let me know if it causes Bad Things to happen. It is fairly specific, though: "Season <number>\<number> - Blahblah". It must have the word "season" before a number, backslash, then a number before a space-dash-space combo. The last number can optionally have an "E" before it.

Let me know how that goes on your shows (if you have any left in that format). You can also rename _to_ that format now, as well.