TVRename 2.0b24


07-05-2008 23:53:57

Download here

Bugs fixed and features added:

- The new "Sequential Episode Number Matching", introduced in b23, is now an option you can turn on in the preferences dialog. The default is off, due to a large number of false alarms and mismatches it caused.

- The "Look for the show name in filename" routine is a bit more fussy now. It used to see "Desperate Housewives" and think it matched "House". This has been fixed at the expense of being slightly more particular about the naming/spacing of words in the filename of your downloaded eps (though dots, hyphens, etc., count as a "space"). e.g. "30.rock" "30-rock" and "30 rock" will all match "30 rock", but "30rock" won't. This affects finding&organising, renaming, and missing episode checks.