File renaming


14-02-2009 03:15:37

I'd like to keep my current TV show naming style of: {ShowName} {EpisodeName}
but do not know how to get this working correctly as [ & ] seem to be part of the formatting syntax. How do I use these characters the way I want in the Filename Template Editor?


15-02-2009 17:33:25

Yeah, the [ and ] characters are used to specify the optional part when there is more than one episode per file, and I didn't make a way to actually have them in the filename. Keep an eye out for alpha 3, which I'll be uploading later today. You can then set a filename template like:

{ShowName} \[S{Season:2}E{Episode}[-E{Episode2}]\] {EpisodeName}

..which should do what you want.