Can tvrename find episodes by episode title?


19-02-2009 08:45:38

I have the complete run of Doctor Who on my harddrive. Unfortunately, it is organized in a rather unfriendly to naming convention format. Example: D:/Doctor Who/ 1st Doctor/ 001-An Unearthly Child (1-4).avi, D:/Doctor Who/ 1st Doctor/ 001-An Unearthly Child (2-4).avi, D:/Doctor Who/ 1st Doctor/ 001-An Unearthly Child (3-4).avi, D:/Doctor Who/ 1st Doctor/ 001-An Unearthly Child (4-4).avi etc.

The 001 refers to the complete story which is four parts rather than the episode which would be part 1 of 4, part 2 of 4 etc.

There are over 400 episodes and I really would like to automate the naming process so that my TV Series database can pick it up and use it. To do this I would need tvrename to match against tvdb based on series name and episode name. Is this possible?


01-03-2009 14:40:14

No.. At the moment, it can only match against season+episode number, or (if you enable it by editing the show) the overall episode number.

With that naming scheme, is "002" "The Cave of Skulls", or is it "The Dead Planet" ?

(Sorry for the slow reply, phpbb doesn't do a very good job of notifying of new posts, and/or unanswered ones, sometimes. I only noticed your post today!)