Excluding files from finding and organizing


17-05-2009 02:42:58

As a byproduct of my network, I end up with identical files with a ._(filename).ext and I'd like to be able to filter all the file names with a ._ before the file name so they don't show up on the finding and organizing tab. Is this possible using the filename processor? It almost seems like it would be but I'm clueless as how to do that.


23-05-2009 15:59:05

Ok, give this a try... At the start of each filename processor, change:


which means "the season and episode number have to be at the start of the line, or preceeded by not a letter" to:

^(?=[^ ][^_]).*

which means "the line doesn't start with <space><underscore>". The "(?= )" makes it match that bit, but not consume the string when it is matched, in case the match is part of the season/episode number, e.g. in "S3E04.avi".

The other "catch" here is that internally TVRename replaces any dots with spaces, before applying the RegExs to them, so that's why theres a space there and not "\.".